Eyes Closed
Shoot Straight
Navigate The Obstacles
Finish In The Hole
How to Play
The 4 Steps of ScratchPad
Eyes Closed
Every shot in ScratchPad is taken with your eyes closed. Before you shoot, take a good long look at the course and when you are ready, put your pen on the red square, close your eyes and let it fly!
Shoot Straight
When you shoot in ScratchPad, you must take straight shots. This means you can finally fix your shank/slice and put the ball where you want it! When you are done with your shot, put your respective marker around your line and get ready for your next shot!
Navigate the Obstacles
There are four obstacles to look out for in ScratchPad:
Water - If you land in the water, add a stroke and shoot again from the previous shot
Trees - If you hit a tree at any point in your line, take your next shot from where you first hit the tree
Rough - If your line ends in the rough, your next shot is taken with your opposite hand.
Bunker/Sand - Landing in the sand means your next shot will be taken differently. Instead of drawing a line, you will pick the pen up off the paper and dot the shot!
Finish in the Hole
The hole ends when every player finishes in the hole. If you go over the hole, you are still in play. Your line must end in the hole to be considered done.